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When It Doesn't Work Out

What do you do when a church plant doesn't work out? How do you move forward when you recall a plant team?


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In this special Pray for One Hundred episode of In:Dependence, Joel Murray (Communications and Media Officer) is joined by Ben Midgley (Ebenezer Baptist Church, Mold) to talk about a church plant that was recalled. What can we learn from the experience and how can we see God at work even when it didn't work out as was expected or hoped?

00:00 - Ebenzer Baptist Church in Mold
- Explaining "Ebenezer"
- Church planting in Buckley
- God's will when it doesn't work out
18:10 - Reflecting and restarting
- Advice for church planting
- Praying and partnering with Ebenezer

Show notes

You can find out about more mission projects in churches across the country on the Pray for One Hundred page, or order some to your church by contacting the office.

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