IN DEPENDENCE a culture of evangelism

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A Culture of Evangelism

How can churches develop a culture of evangelism in all of church life? Are we ready to receive people who are searching for spiritual answers?


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With more people becoming open to spiritual things, churches need to be ready to be the place they can find answers and meet Jesus.

In this episode, Adrian Reynolds (Head of National Ministries) and Nick McQuaker (A Passion for Life) discuss what a culture of evangelism might look like in our churches and what small steps church leaders can take to begin to develop one.

00:00 - Introduction
- The mission climate in UK churches
- Sunday services as an evangelism strategy
- Displaying the gospel away from Sunday services
15:50 - How do you make a start in developing a culture of evangelism?
18:49 - Mission dependency, mission heat, and mission pathways
- Understanding your context
- Help for churches

Show notes

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