IN DEPENDENCE sport on sundays

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Sport on Sundays

How can biblical principles help us flourish as Christians in a society that values sporting activities on Sunday mornings?


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In this episode, Adrian Reynolds (Head of National Ministries) is joined by Graham 'Danno' Daniels (Christians in Sport) and Jonny 'Reidy' Reid (Christians in Sport and Town Church Bicester) to discuss the challenges that Sunday sport presents for churches, the importance of the gathered church, and the biblical principles that we can hold out to help believers flourish.

00:00 - Introduction
- Sport on Sunday is here to stay
- The importance of gathering together
- When your children want to play on Sunday morning
- Mission on Sunday mornings
- Sport on Sunday for church leaders
- Principles before application
- Teaching the importance of church to children

A note on Sunday observance

There are a range of views within FIEC about Sunday observance, including those not acknowledged in this podcast episode. You can read about three such viewpoints in our 'All in the Family' series on the sabbath:

Show notes

In:Dependence is FIEC’s official podcast, where you’ll hear teaching and resources for church leaders from the FIEC Ministry Team and guests from FIEC churches and partners.

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