IN DEPENDENCE caring for victims

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Caring for Victims in the Local Church

How do we listen to and care for victims of abuse, especially from within the local church?

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We must ensure that the local church takes appropriate care of those who have been victims of abuse. How do we do that? What does it mean to listen well when people raise concerns?

In this episode of In:Dependence, Adrian Reynolds, FIEC Head of National Ministries, and John Stevens, FIEC National Director, discuss how to care well for victims of abuse.

00:00 - Introduction.
- God's heart for the vulnerable.
01:45 - How can churches listen to victims well?
- How do we guard against defensiveness when listening to victims?
09:39 - When the accused is also the pastor.
13:05 - Do we need a broader safeguarding approach in churches?
15:27 - Care for victims that reflects the Father.
17:38 - How do we fight against stereotyping victims?
19:33 - Evalutating accusations of abuse.
- Eternal and present justice.
- Is there a place for non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in the church?

In:Dependence is FIEC’s official podcast, where you’ll hear teaching and resources for church leaders from the FIEC Ministry Team and guests from FIEC churches and partners.

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