
One of our great encouragements is seeing an increasing number of men and women from a variety of different backgrounds training for gospel ministry in Independent churches.

We have excellent relationships with theological colleges and training providers in England, Scotland and Wales. From time to time we also offer grants from our Training Fund, which was set up to offer money to churches and individuals who are seeking to train men and women for ministry.


Each January we hold Journeys: a weekend designed to serve those who are exploring the call to gospel ministry or are already in training.

Journeys works closely with FIEC churches to help them to make wise decisions about those seeking to train for ministry.

Find out more about Journeys

The Training Fund

Since 2012, almost £2.5m has been given to churches to support individuals training for ministry or to support churches employing a worker in a training position.

The Fund is not just to train pastors but can also be used to train evangelists, women’s workers, youth & children’s workers or any other ministry position in a church.

Applications are considered in two categories:

Church applications

Applications are invited from churches with regards to two-year appointments (up to a maximum of £15,000 per year) of trainee gospel workers across a breadth of ministry. The grant will not ordinarily be more than 50% of the cost of the post.

Any grant from the FIEC Training Fund will normally not exceed 15% of the church’s total annual budget. Furthermore, we want to be satisfied that existing workers are properly financially supported and that the church’s plan for the post is realistic and sustainable for the period envisaged.

Individual applications

Applications are invited from individuals with regards to grants for training (up to a maximum of two years and a maximum of £7,500 per year).

Current situation

At present, we are not able to accept new applications as there are no funds available for disbursement.

In the past, the Training Fund has been largely generated through the generosity of a few individuals and a number of church closures where the funds released from sale of properties have been available for redistribution. We are not expecting either of these sources to generate income in the near future.

We know that you will be disappointed to hear this – as are we – but please do join us in praying that we might find appropriate and alternative ways to find funding streams for churches seeking to raise up new leaders.

Giving to the fund

We’d love to hear from you if you or your church could support us in this way. Please contact us in the office for an initial discussion.


There are a number of options for those who are seeking theological training in Great Britain. Some of these options are residential, others offer more flexible distance learning.

We would advise you to investigate all the options before deciding what is best for you.


Certificate in Independent Church Ministry

In partnership with Edinburgh Theological Seminary (ETS), a range of experienced FIEC leaders run the Certificate in Independent Church Ministry. The certificate is a great opportunity for anyone with a desire to deepen their understanding of Independent churches and be better equipped to serve them.

The course covers a range of subjects, including the history of Independent churches, along with governance, leadership and membership issues, and practical issues such as growth and mission structures, women’s ministry, services and sacraments.

You can find out more and apply on the ETS website.

Training News & Resources

If you are considering training, or how to support training in your local church context, some of our resources below may be helpful.

This page was last updated on 30/01/2025. Spotted an error? Please get in touch.

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