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Rising Lights

Gathering for five days by the coast to hear God's word, to praise our risen Saviour, and to rest. With plenty for adults, teens, and kids, alongside space to enjoy Torquay with friends and family.

Event Details

  • Torquay, Devon

    time Mon 6 — Fri 10 April 2026
    marker Riviera International Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay, TQ2 5LZ

    Booking available after Easter.

Organised by FIEC, Rising Lights takes place in the coastal Devon town of Torquay, with the base at the Riviera International Centre.

There will be a variety of Bible-teaching (Paul Mallard will be teaching from Philippians), seminars, opportunities to relax, and groups for children and youth up to 18. The programme will also include space to spend time with family, friends, and your church.

All FIEC churches are independent, but we hope Rising Lights will help to guard us from isolation and see that we’re part of something bigger.

The programme will serve your church by helping people to rejoice in our Saviour, returning refreshed and better equipped for life and ministry.

Although Rising Lights is organised with FIEC churches in mind, all are welcome to gather, refresh, and grow together.

Prices and booking

Tickets cover admission to the Rising Lights programme only. Accommodation must be booked separately.

  • £160 for adults
  • £40 for under 18s
  • Free for under 18 months

Booking will be available from this page after Easter.

How can your church get involved?

We’d love your help to make this event the best it can possibly be.

Save the date

Put the dates in your church calendar: 6-10 April 2026.

When bookings open, we'll email you again with a short video that you can share with your church – whether that's in a church service, your regular church email, in your homegroups, or all of the above.

We're also planning to send your church some flyers. The ideal would be to give these out alongside showing the video.

Share your ideas

We’d love to hear from you about how this event can best serve your church and ministry.

  • Do you have ideas for the programme and seminars?
  • Do you have people in your church who can help us to enrich the event?
  • Do you have suggestions for afternoon or evening activities?
Help us to shape Rising Lights

Pray as we plan

Our hope is that Rising Lights can be a time of refreshment and growth for churches, so please pray for us as we make plans.

We will need around 75 volunteers to steward our different venues and 100 volunteers to support our youth and children’s work, so please pray that we're able to assemble the team.

Event Details

  • Torquay, Devon

    time Mon 6 — Fri 10 April 2026
    marker Riviera International Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay, TQ2 5LZ

    Booking available after Easter.

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