IN DEPENDENCE How can we talk about Israel and Gaza

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How Can We Talk About Israel and Gaza?

The conflict in Israel and Gaza has been a constant fixture in the news for more than six months alongside global protests and a significant increase in anti-Semitism and Islamaphobia. How can we talk and pray about the situation in church life?


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In this episode, Adrian Reynolds (Head of National Ministries) speaks with Joseph Steinberg (International Mission to Jewish People) about good ways to talk about the conflict in Israel and Gaza in church, how to pastor people with strong convictions on the issue, how we can pray for the situation and those involved.

00:00 - Introduction
- Talking about the conflict in Israel and Gaza
- How to pray for areas of conflict
- The church's failures
- Jewish experience and anti-Semitism in 2024
- Mis-steps for church leaders to avoid
- Leading the local church in response to the Jewish people
- Pastoring people with deep convictions on Israel
- Pray for Israel and Gaza

Show notes

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