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Ukraine Anniversary, ARC, and Kitchen Islands

What is God doing in the war in Ukraine? What impact does 'Christian speaking' in culture have on the church? What is a true marker of wealth?


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In this episode, Phil Topham (Executive Director), Adrian Reynolds (Head of National Ministries), and John Stevens (National Director) discuss some of the stories in the news over the past weeks and how they relate to church leadership.

00:00 - Introduction
- Three years of war in Ukraine
- Investing in your own activities
- Leading through provocation
- ARC 2025 and people speaking Christianly
- Free speech and the Kristie Higgs appeal
- Does a kitchen island mean you are wealthy?

Show notes

In:Dependence is the official FIEC podcast for local church leaders, where you’ll hear conversations on helpful topics from the FIEC staff team and guests.

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