IN DEPENDENCE Planning for Mission in 2026

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Planning for Mission in 2026

How can a nationwide week of evangelistic events equip and help local churches to reach their communities and contacts with the gospel?


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For fifteen years, A Passion for Life have been equipping, encouraging, and enabling local churches to be involved with a national week of mission events - most recently in 2022 with Life '22.

As they gear up for the next week of mission in 2026, Adrian Reynolds is joined by Nick McQuaker, A Passion for Life's Mission Director, to learn more about the mission and why being part of a nation-wide mission week can be a help for local churches to reach their own local communities with the gospel.

00:00 - A history of A Passion for Life
- The benefit of running events alongside others across the UK
- Why plan so far ahead?
- Contextual evangelistic events
- Evangelistic event ideas
- Connecting with other church leaders in similar contexts
- Next steps towards Life '26

Show notes

Life '26 Launch Webinar

On Friday 28 March (13:30 - 14:30), A Passion for Life will unveil the visual identity and messaging for 2026 that will help churches like yours reach people in their local communities with the message of "Life in Jesus".

Please register for the webinar on Zoom. If you cannot attend the live event, don’t worry: a recording will be made available afterwards so you can catch up on everything that was shared.

Register for the webinar

Life light image by Holy Relics Woodcraft.

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