Sporting Events as Gospel Opportunities
Sporting Events as Gospel Opportunities
Adrian Reynolds , Jonny Reid , Graham Daniels
Sport is a good point of connection with a local community. How can churches make the most of sport and sporting events as evangelistic opportunities?
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Taking the Gospel to Jewish People
Taking the Gospel to Jewish People
Adrian Reynolds , Joseph Steinberg
There are 385,000 Jewish people in the UK who have not been reached with the gospel. How can we think about mission to this group in the local church?
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Scattering Seeds of Hope (Book Review)
Trevor Archer
Jeremy Marshall has left us a book full of practical and inspirational ways of sharing the gospel; his greatest passion.
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2023: Year in Review
Adrian Reynolds , John Stevens
A look back at the encouragements and challenges for FIEC and FIEC churches in 2023.
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An Even Playing Field to Share the Bible
An Even Playing Field to Share the Bible
Rachel Land
The Word One to One provides an opportunity for Christians to confidently share the word of God with their friends and family.
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The High Street Bible Giveaway
The High Street Bible Giveaway
Joel Murray , Mike Judge
How do you get the word of God into the hands of people in your community? What impact does it have in the local church?
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Word-Centred Relational Evangelism
Word-Centred Relational Evangelism
Adrian Reynolds , Joel Murray , Le Fras Strydom
How does the sufficiency of Scripture help local churches reach the lost?
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Make Much of Jesus
Make Much of Jesus
Andy Paterson
What should be the heartbeat of a church? It should be the preaching of Christ. From the 2022 Leaders' Conference.
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Reaching Your Community in the Summer
Reaching Your Community in the Summer
Adrian Reynolds , Andy Rees
How a church in Norwich held a week-long festival in a nearby park during the summer to reach their local community.
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BBQ Ribs and Gospel Partnerships
BBQ Ribs and Gospel Partnerships
Mark Howson
A scheme to link FIEC churches with churches in Mississippi for mission is returning after the pandemic.
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Roe v. Wade, the Royal Family, and 'Talking Jesus'
Roe v. Wade, the Royal Family, and 'Talking Jesus'
Phil Topham , John Stevens , Adrian Reynolds
How should church leaders respond to abortion laws? How does the royal family fit into Christian life? How Christian is the UK population?
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Making Faith Magnetic (Book Review)
Rachel Sloan
Dan Strange’s excellent book encourages us to engage with the questions people are asking in order to point them to Jesus.
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The Nearly Impossible Task
The Nearly Impossible Task
Ray Evans
Leading your church in mission and evangelism is a difficult but important job. How can we avoid guilt whilst pushing it to the top of our agenda?
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World Mission and the Local Church
World Mission and the Local Church
Adrian Reynolds , Eddie Arthur
How should we define mission in the local church? How can churches think well about mission across the world?
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How Innocence/Guilt and Honour/Shame Cultures Collide
How Innocence/Guilt and Honour/Shame Cultures Collide
Andy Paterson
[Part 21] In cross-cultural evangelism we need to understand someone's cultural paradigm. Here is how the two dominating paradigms interact.
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Cultural Paradigms in Evangelism
Cultural Paradigms in Evangelism
Andy Paterson
[Part 20] We must be careful to understand where someone is coming from when engaging in cross-cultural evangelism.
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Answer Questions Like and With Jesus
Answer Questions Like and With Jesus
Andy Paterson
[Part 19] The best way to respond to many questions we face in evangelism is with a question. And then to point the questioner to the ultimate answer.
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Speaking Jesus at Reading Festival
Speaking Jesus at Reading Festival
Richard Baxter
What do you do when 90,000 festival-goers descend on your town? Find out how a local church took the opportunity to show love and share the gospel.
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Anticipating the Questions
Anticipating the Questions
[Part 18] We need to be ready to respond to questions others have about faith. Considering the issues we might face can help prepare ourselves.
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Illustrating the Culture
Illustrating the Culture
Andy Paterson
[Part 17] The gospel story intersects with many of the issues that are facing our friends and family, offering opportunities for evangelism.
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3 Ways to Make the Most of Every Opportunity
3 Ways to Make the Most of Every Opportunity
Andy Paterson
[Part 16] When opportunities for evangelism arise, how should we respond to make the most of them?
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Does Election Kill Evangelism?
Does Election Kill Evangelism?
Andy Paterson
[Part 14] Why should we bother sharing the gospel if those who are going to be saved are already chosen?
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Who is in Charge of Evangelism?
Who is in Charge of Evangelism?
Andy Paterson
[Part 13] What is the decisive factor in evangelism? What does the Bible teach about it?
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Tasty Speaking
Tasty Speaking
Andy Paterson
[Part 12] Key to the New Testament model of everyday evangelism is explaining distinctive living with distinctive speaking.
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