Joel Murray
Communications and Media Officer
Joel joined FIEC as Communications and Media Officer at the beginning of 2020, moving from a role as Digital Marketing Manager at Visit Lincoln.
Joel grew up in Leicester and become a Christian at the age of 15 before moving to study Media Production in Lincoln. He met Hannah at the Christian Union (CU is not a dating agency!) and were married soon after graduation. In Lincoln, they added two daughters to the family and were involved at TCM Baptist Church. They now live in Leicester where Joel is an elder at Avenue Community Church and have been blessed with a son.
Family time includes visiting independent coffee shops, exploring historic houses (and their grounds), and playing with Bear the cat. Joel especially enjoys comics, Star Wars, video games, and the ups and downs of following Leicester City FC.
Get in touch with Joel
Author Content
Planting to Reach Britain for Christ (Planters 2025)
Planting to Reach Britain for Christ (Planters 2025)
Joel Murray
More than 60 men and women involved in church planting came together to explore how to reach Britain for Christ through planting healthy churches.
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Next Steps on the Journey (Journeys 2025)
Next Steps on the Journey (Journeys 2025)
Joel Murray
Men and women on the journey into Christian ministry explored the next steps at a new weekend event hosted by FIEC.
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Introducing our Director for Essex
Introducing our Director for Essex
Joel Murray
We are delighted to announce that Simon Medcroft will serve as our Local Director for churches in Essex.
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On the North of England
Joel Murray , Andy Hunter
The sparse yet diverse nature of Cumbria and the North East of England provides opportunity for gospel partnerships between local churches.
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On the West Midlands
Joel Murray , Paul Mallard
Churches are working together to reach the growing population of Birmingham and the wider West Midlands.
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Looking to Jesus, Loving Like Jesus (Leaders' Conference 2024)
Looking to Jesus, Loving Like Jesus (Leaders' Conference 2024)
Joel Murray
Blackpool become home to more than 1,000 church leaders from across Britain as they gathered to look to the Good Shepherd.
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5 Ways to Make the Most of the Leaders' Conference
5 Ways to Make the Most of the Leaders' Conference
Joel Murray
A national conference can be exciting but overwhelming, and we want you to make the most of your time with us. Here are some things to bear in mind.
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On Hampshire and Dorset
Joel Murray , John Samuel
From large urban churches to tiny rural churches across the south coast, each needs encouragement to persevere and boldness to reach the unreached.
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On Yorkshire
Joel Murray , Daniel Grimwade
The densely populated cities and the smaller rural communities in Yorkshire need the same gospel but for it to be shared in different ways.
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On South Wales
Joel Murray , Gareth Lewis
The Christian heritage of South Wales has declined, but there remains great opportunity for the gospel. We must pray for workers for the harvest.
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On Suffolk
Joel Murray , Mark Howson
God is at work in Suffolk as churches work together and reach new areas with the gospel.
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On North Wales
Joel Murray , Ben Midgley
The landscape, history, and language of North Wales make church ministry there distinct from other areas. Our Director for North Wales explains more.
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On London
Joel Murray , Johnny Prime
What is church ministry in London like, what opportunities do churches in the city have, and what challenges does London present?
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Introducing our Director for North Wales
Introducing our Director for North Wales
Joel Murray
We are pleased to announce that Ben Midgely has joined our team of Local Directors, serving churches and their leaders in north Wales.
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Introducing our Director for Hampshire and Dorset
Introducing our Director for Hampshire and Dorset
Joel Murray
We are delighted to announce that John Samuel has taken up a role serving churches and their leaders on the south coast.
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Podcasts for Church Leaders (2024 Edition)
Podcasts for Church Leaders (2024 Edition)
Joel Murray
If you’re a podcast listener, or you'd like to be, here are some recommendations to help you in your church ministry.
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Ministry of Justice (Leaders' Conference 2023)
Ministry of Justice (Leaders' Conference 2023)
Joel Murray
More than 500 churches were represented at our Leaders' Conference to consider together what it means to live in light of the justice of God.
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Announcing our New Director for London
Announcing our New Director for London
Joel Murray
We are excited to announce that Johnny Prime will be our new Director for London, starting in 2024.
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Digital Communications for Local Churches
Digital Communications for Local Churches
Joel Murray , Peter Murden , Adrian Reynolds
Why is it important to consider how your church communicates? How can digital technology help in outreach and discipleship?
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Discipling Women in Church Life
Discipling Women in Church Life
Joel Murray , Pete Gower , Janette McCool
Why is it important to have a focus on reaching and discipling women in the life of the church?
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When the Nations Come to Your Door
When the Nations Come to Your Door
Joel Murray , Philip Venables
The influx of asylum seekers across the country brings the nations to the doors of local churches. How do we make the most of this opportunity?
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The High Street Bible Giveaway
The High Street Bible Giveaway
Joel Murray , Mike Judge
How do you get the word of God into the hands of people in your community? What impact does it have in the local church?
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Raising Confident Kids (Book Review)
Joel Murray
Ed Drew’s book sets out principles for every Christian parent to help their children know who they are and whose they are.
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Buying Too Small
Buying Too Small
Joel Murray
What are the benefits of buying a building that your church can’t fit into?
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