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All in the Family
Exploring the breadth that exists amongst FIEC churches on matters that our Doctrinal Basis doesn't touch on and yet are important in church life.
Andrew Heard on Leadership
Teaching on leadership given by Andrew Heard in June 2017.
Answers for Ministry Wives
Biblical responses to questions often asked by Ministry Wives for reflection, consideration, and response.
Attendance, Migration & Community
Ray Evans explores three contemporary church issues with four other FIEC pastors.
Communication 101
Ray Evans unpacks some advice for preachers.
Coronavirus: Advice for Churches
How should churches respond to Government advice and continue ministry during the coronavirus pandemic?
Decision Making
How can a church leader make wise decisions? Ray Evans outlines some principles and practical advice to help you.
Difficult Conversations
Difficult conversations are becoming more difficult yet still necessary. What are some ways forward when you have to have difficult conversations?
Evangelism for Every Believer
Andy Paterson argues that every single follower of Jesus Christ has a role to play in ways that are both natural and free from false guilt.
Evangelism Today
Andy Paterson, Rico Tice and John Stevens discuss the issues we face as we seek to share the gospel in our culture.
Evangelistic Momentum
A five-part series looking at how we can build evangelistic momentum in our churches.
A series of ten videos with follow-up questions looking at the fruit of the Spirit in the lives of church leaders.
Get to Know...
Short films introducing two FIEC churches each time, with prayer points for each.
Gospel Neighbours
Hear how unity works in practice for three central London church leaders, and learn from their experience, in three roundtable discussions.
Growing as a Church
Ray Evans shares wisdom about church membership, vision, strategy, Sunday meetings and more.
Growing as a Disciple
Ray Evans gives advice to help leaders grow in their character, spiritual disciplines and pastoral care.
Growing as a Leader
An informal discussion about church growth and leadership between three experienced pastors.
Growing as a Preacher
Ray Evans gives advice to preachers.
Growing as a Team
A collection of articles by Ray Evans focused on elders & deacons, staff teams, training others, and leading meetings.
Episodes of In:Dependence, the FIEC podcast, featuring teaching and resources for church leaders.
Leaders' Conference 2013
The Power of God: Talks from Ephesians, the Psalms, and seminars relevant to Independent church ministry.
Leaders' Conference 2014
Talks from our 2014 Leaders' Conference (3rd-6th November) which was entitled 'In Dependence.'
Leaders' Conference 2015
Ready Eager Devoted: Helping you to be a disciple-maker in your local church.
Leaders' Conference 2016
Engaging Evangelism: The cultural context of evangelism, evangelistic preaching and Jesus' approach to mission in the Gospel of Luke.
Leaders' Conference 2017
Transforming Church: What does leading a transforming church look like?
Leaders' Conference 2018
Here & Now: communicating the gospel in our post-Christian culture.
Leaders' Conference 2019
Leadership at Every Level: Exploring the role of a leader and the task of training other leaders in the church.
Leaders' Conference 2021
The Glorious Normal: rejoicing in the ordinary work of gospel ministry.
Leaders' Conference 2022
Keeping the Lights On: reflecting on the founding principles of the Fellowship that are still at the heart of our gospel work after 100 years.
Leaders' Conference 2023
Ministry of Justice: what does it mean to follow & love the God of justice as he ultimately brings all things under Christ the just & righteous ruler.
Leaders' Conference 2024
The Good Shepherd: all of church leadership is shepherding. To be faithful shepherds we need to look to Jesus and learn to love like Jesus.
Leadership and Legacy
Every church leader is both a legacy receiver and a legacy giver. The challenge is to make sure that the legacy we pass on is a beneficial one.
Leadership in Lockdown
A series of webinars with John Stevens and guests about church leadership during the coronavirus pandemic.
Lessons for Leadership Transition
Peter Lewis, John Russell, and Ray Evans discuss passing on the baton of church leadership after a long and faithful ministry.
Ministry Journeys
A series of books for those on their journey into vocational ministry - and anyone who wants to grow in their ministry!
Primer is a theological resource for gospel workers and church leadership teams.
Spirit-Led, Relational Leadership
At the 32 Local Leaders’ Conferences held in 2021 we considered how good leadership is relational leadership.
The Hub 2017
The main talks from The Hub Conference 2017 by Bill James.
The Hub 2018
The main talks from The Hub Conference 2018 by Adrian Reynolds and Sam Buckley.
The Hub 2019
The main talks from The Hub Conference 2019 by Nathan Howard and Ian Williamson.
The Hub 2020
The main talks from The Hub Conference 2020 by Mez McConnell and Richard Lacey.
The Hub 2022
Talks from The Hub 2022 conference, for those exploring the call to Independent church ministry or who have already started the journey.
The Hub 2023
Talks from Andy Rees and Trevor Archer at The Hub 2023.
The Hub 2024
Talks from Adrian Reynolds and Graham Thomson at The Hub 2024: our conference for those on the journey into ministry.
The Three Cs
Ray Evans draws lessons for church leaders on the topics of Character, Capability and Chemistry.