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Elders, Deacons & Teams
Raising Lay Leaders
Raising Lay Leaders
Phil Topham , Ray Evans
How do we raise and train lay elders and other lay leaders in the church?
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Servant-Hearted Team Meetings
Servant-Hearted Team Meetings
Ray Evans
There is more to effective team meetings than simply good time keeping. Leaders must have a servant heart.
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High-Quality Team-Based Decision Making
High-Quality Team-Based Decision Making
Ray Evans
If senior leaders can create an open environment for their teams to make better decisions, their churches can really benefit.
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Vital Questions about the Character of Leaders
Vital Questions about the Character of Leaders
Ray Evans
Character is more important than gifting in Christian leadership. We may know this instinctively, but how should it shape church practice?
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Rest and Renewal: Sabbaticals for Pastors
Rest and Renewal: Sabbaticals for Pastors
Johnny Prime
What is a sabbatical? Why are they needed? How should they be taken?
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Making Difficult Decisions
Making Difficult Decisions
Ray Evans
What is the senior church leader’s role in difficult decision making?
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Calling Your Pastor
Calling Your Pastor
Ten suggested steps for a church to follow when looking to appoint a new pastor.
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Caring For Your Pastor
Caring For Your Pastor
A code of best practice for churches to ensure their leaders thrive.
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Reviews & Appraisals
Reviews & Appraisals
Ray Evans
How can we get the balance right between supporting church workers and holding them accountable for what they do?
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Action Points
Action Points
Ray Evans
As a church leadership team, you might have lots of great ideas, but how can you make sure they actually become reality?
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Elders & Trustees: How to make it work
Elders & Trustees: How to make it work
Caroline Eade
To what extent should the role of an elder and that of a charity trustee overlap? This seminar looks at the legal issues related to church leadership.
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Leading Leaders: Staff Teams
Leading Leaders: Staff Teams
Johnny Prime
With a growing staff team, a pastor discovers he has new responsibilities alongside his usual work. So how can you lead a happy and united staff team?
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Equipping Leaders to Lead Teams
Equipping Leaders to Lead Teams
Ray Evans
How can any church team achieve greater effectiveness? What makes a good team player... and team leader? How do you lead great team meetings?
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Raising Leaders: Diverse Backgrounds
Raising Leaders: Diverse Backgrounds
Raymond Brown
Is it important for churches to be multicultural and, if so, how should this be reflected in their leadership?
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Raising Leaders: Volunteers
Raising Leaders: Volunteers
Ray Evans
How do you raise up volunteers, and then train, motivate, and support them? And what happens if it all goes sour?
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Raising Leaders: Godly Elders
Raising Leaders: Godly Elders
Mark Dever
How can you disciple and raise up elders in the church? And how can you cultivate leadership gifts in others?
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Team Structures
Team Structures
Ray Evans
Most churches know that they need to develop effective structures as a church grows. But how do you go about it?
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Developing Deacons
Developing Deacons
Ray Evans
Ray Evans has been considering the role of deacons. How does a church go about appointing them and how does that work in churches of different sizes?
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Developing Elders
Developing Elders
Ray Evans
How do we develop teams of elders in local churches? It doesn’t matter if your church is small, medium or large. This question is always vital.
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Effective Lay Leadership 2
Effective Lay Leadership 2
Ray Evans
In the second of this two-part series, we see how lay leaders can effectively work alongside other unpaid leaders and use their gifts.
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The Grid
Adrian Reynolds
Establishing leadership training in the local church.
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Effective Lay Leadership 1
Effective Lay Leadership 1
Ray Evans
The first part of a two-part series aimed at both pastors and lay leaders. How can lay leaders can be most effective in their calling?
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First Among Equals?
First Among Equals?
Ray Evans
"Primus inter pares." First among equals. In theory that’s what the Prime Minister is. But what about in Independent church leadership?
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A Growing Staff Team
A Growing Staff Team
Ray Evans
If your church grows and you have to take on more paid workers, you’ll need to clarify responsibilities. Otherwise things will soon get overstretched.
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