The Work of Shepherding

How do you identify, train, and encourage volunteers to work in the shepherding tasks of church life?


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How can lay leaders serve the church in the work of shepherding: the ministry of the word; prayer; care for the sick and grieving; care for widows; care for "weaker brothers and sisters"?


  • How can we shepherd those who don't see how they are being cared for?
  • How can sole pastors and smaller churches start to train people in the church?
  • Should you seek to identify those with the gift of encouragements to release them to train others?
  • How do we include divorced people in the widows category?
  • What ratios should we put in place to divide study and pastoral care?
  • How do you prioritise the time you have available?

This is the fourth talk of five from Trusted Hands: the post-conference event that followed the 2024 Leaders' Conference. It included five sessions with Brian Croft to help explore how to train and deploy volunteer leaders across the church.

Watch or listen to all five talks

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