Returning with the Beauty of Jesus

Returning with the Beauty of Jesus (Thrive 2024)

Time to hear from God’s word, meet with others, and to “just be” refreshed women in ministry to enable them to serve in the local church.

As a Women’s Ministry Co-ordinator, I was really encouraged to attend Thrive for the first time this year.

Having been in the role for less than a year, it was a great opportunity to meet others who are serving in similar ways and learn from those who’ve been working in this capacity for longer than me. I was also looking forward to listening to talks and soaking up as much as I could of God’s word.

On arrival, I was warmly welcomed by the FIEC team and immediately began connecting with others. I had the great privilege of listening to a couple of women’s testimonies of how the Lord had bought them to faith and was working in them to reach out to others with the gospel.

The conference talks focused on three of Jesus' “I am” statements. Despite the familiarity of these passages, it was a timely reminder of just how precious he is. We were encouraged to remember that Christ is the only one we want to serve and point others to. He is the all-sufficient one in whom we can rest, be equipped, and bear fruit as we abide in him.

Familiar passages, fresh truths

Through the conference, we had time to meet in smaller groups to think through and apply what we had been hearing. Those times were really helpful for me. God opened my eyes to see fresh truths from familiar passages that I had either not seen before or forgotten.

One such lesson came from Jesus raising Lazarus on the fourth day. This amount of time was significant: it left no doubt that Lazarus was dead. Jesus in his great wisdom chose this time frame to show the glory of God (John 11:40). As we reflected on this, we saw that God’s timing has great purpose - even when we don’t understand it.

Another truth that made my heart sing was being reminded of Jesus’ different responses to Mary and Martha. He knew just what to say to each of them. He knew exactly what each of those women needed.

As women in ministry, we point those we serve to the one who knows them best. We are not the fixers or the antidote to every pain, but we have a wonderful opportunity to point them to Jesus who knows each of us perfectly. He’s the only one who changes us, sustains us, and promises to continue the good work he has started in us.

I hope to take back to my church a renewed sense of the beauty of Jesus and, with his help, to abide in him - as without him I can do nothing.

Just be

While we had a good amount of time in talks and discussion groups, on reflection, what I benefitted from greatly was the opportunity to just be. I was able to sit in quiet spaces and consider. In the busyness of life and ministry, I manage to do very little of that day-to-day.

It was a great blessing to sit with my coffee, look out on a lovely green space, and rest in the God we serve.

For anyone thinking about attending Thrive, please do not hesitate. You will be welcomed, well-fed, spiritually recharged, and better equipped for your work in the gospel.

Thrive takes place each year at the start of May. For details of the next retreat, see our events page or get in touch.

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