How Pastors Learn Through Experience
How Pastors Learn Through Experience
Johnny Prime
When issues in church life arise beyond our experience, we can learn by seeking the counsel of others and through training in spiritual warfare.
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When Leaders Don't Want to Lead
When Leaders Don't Want to Lead
Peter Dray
How do we encourage younger adults to see the call to leadership positively? A seminar from the 2023 Leaders' Conference.
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The Pursuit of Diversity in Leadership
The Pursuit of Diversity in Leadership
Adrian Reynolds , Trevor Archer , Yannick Christos-Wahab
Why is diversity in church leadership a good goal to pursue? How can we genuinely develop diversity in leadership without tokenism?
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Raising Lay Leaders
Raising Lay Leaders
Phil Topham , Ray Evans
How do we raise and train lay elders and other lay leaders in the church?
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The Most Holy Faith
The Most Holy Faith
Paul Mallard , Daniel Strange
Why is theology important for contending for the faith? What theology do we need to contend today? From the 2022 Leaders' Conference.
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A Legacy to Develop (Part 2): the Challenge of Raising Up New Leaders
Ray Evans
There are four challenges as we think about passing on the gospel and raising the next generation of church leaders.
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A Legacy to Develop (Part 1): a Vision for Leadership
Ray Evans
It is important to be looking to raise up the next generation of leaders. What's got to happen for that to be a reality in church life?
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