Ministry Families and Church Life
Ministry Families and Church Life
Adrian Reynolds , Richard Lacey , Carolyn Lacey
How can we protect family life when serving in church ministry? What changes when a ministry wife moves from voluntary to paid work in the church?
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Humour, Friendship, and a Kingdom Perspective
Humour, Friendship, and a Kingdom Perspective
Adrian Reynolds , Trevor Archer
As Trevor Archer comes to stand down from serving at FIEC, he shares what he has found are the essential elements of a long-lasting ministry.
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How Pastors Learn Through Experience
How Pastors Learn Through Experience
Johnny Prime
When issues in church life arise beyond our experience, we can learn by seeking the counsel of others and through training in spiritual warfare.
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Bad Shepherds and Good Shepherds
Bad Shepherds and Good Shepherds
Johnny Prime
Sheep need shepherd-leaders provided by and patterned on the Good Shepherd, Jesus. Without them, sheep will be harmed, malnourished, and vulnerable.
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Advice from a Retiring Minister
Advice from a Retiring Minister
John Samuel
John Samuel offers some words of advice for young (and old) pastors after 37 years of church ministry.
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How to Receive Criticism and Respond Well
How to Receive Criticism and Respond Well
Lewis Allen
Receiving criticism is part of pastoral ministry and is the Lord’s appointed means of change as you respond well to it.
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Rest and Renewal: Sabbaticals for Pastors
Rest and Renewal: Sabbaticals for Pastors
Johnny Prime
What is a sabbatical? Why are they needed? How should they be taken?
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Diagnosed by Covid
Diagnosed by Covid
Andy Paterson
Many have had a fear of, and some experience of, a COVID-19 diagnosis in 2020. But maybe COVID-19 is leading to a different kind of diagnosis.
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What Should You Pay Your Pastor?
What Should You Pay Your Pastor?
Adrian Reynolds
An answer to one of the questions we are asked the most, starting with the scriptures.
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Refuge for Weary Leaders
Refuge for Weary Leaders
Adrian Reynolds
Join us for a new weekly book group on Mondays to delight in Christ as our refuge and be equipped to minister to others.
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Calling Your Pastor
Calling Your Pastor
Ten suggested steps for a church to follow when looking to appoint a new pastor.
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Caring For Your Pastor
Caring For Your Pastor
A code of best practice for churches to ensure their leaders thrive.
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Give Your Best
Give Your Best
Ray Evans
Church leadership is a huge energy drain – especially when sending workers into other ministries. So how can we find the energy to keep going?
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Honouring God’s Servants
Honouring God’s Servants
Derek Prime
How do we properly honour and support our pastors? Derek Prime offers some advice gleaned from more than 50 years in pastoral ministry.
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Ministry Lessons from a Comedy Duo
Ministry Lessons from a Comedy Duo
Adrian Reynolds
Some valuable ministry lessons highlighted in a recent film about one of the greatest entertainment double acts of all time.
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Rediscovering Spurgeon’s Treasure
Rediscovering Spurgeon’s Treasure
Adrian Reynolds
Adrian Reynolds outlines Spurgeon’s sermon on ‘progress’ from ‘An All Round Ministry’. It's a subject close to Adrian’s own heart.
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Why Read One-to-One?
Why Read One-to-One?
Johnny Prime
Reading the Bible with others, one-to-one, is a vital part of pastoral ministry. Find out why and get some practical advice to help you along.
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Making up for Lost Time
Making up for Lost Time
Reading the Bible one-to-one with another Christian was never part of the job description during ministry. Here's why I would recommend it now.
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Ministry Discouragement
Ministry Discouragement
Adrian Reynolds
How should we deal with discouragement in ministry? Here’s some advice from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians.
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The Devotional Life of the Pastor (part 2)
The Devotional Life of the Pastor (part 2)
Michael Reeves
The devotional life of the pastor when they are struggling and suffering.
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The Devotional Life of the Pastor (part 1)
The Devotional Life of the Pastor (part 1)
Michael Reeves
How cultivating the fear of God gives pastors the refreshment and strength they need for gospel ministry.
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Pastoral Contentment
Pastoral Contentment
Adrian Reynolds
How can you match godly contentment with a desire to see the gospel take hold and grow?
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12 Things to Look For When Calling a Pastor
12 Things to Look For When Calling a Pastor
Trevor Archer , Paul Mallard
What characteristics should a church look for in a man they want to call as pastor?
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