From a Discipline to a Delight

Linda Allcock uses Proverbs 2:1-6 to show us four important steps to consider as we read God’s word or seek to hear him speak as we engage with good Bible teaching: Lord, look, turn, and learn.

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This year has been so challenging, and I expect we all have felt in need of refreshment in our love and relationship with the Lord, just as marriage requires ongoing investment for love to continue to grow and deepen. Linda Allcock encourages us to be disciplined and purposeful in our engagement with God’s word.

Proverbs 2:4 tells us to “look for wisdom as for silver and to search for it as for hidden treasure”. Linda illustrates the worth of finding the treasure in God’s word and the value of holding on to truth each day.

As God’s word goes deeper into our hearts and minds, we receive wisdom and understanding for whatever a day brings, and we “store up” God’s commands within us for times of need or trial. Linda explains how we are given “light to chase away the lies”, and truth to fight temptation and to live to God’s glory as we turn more to Christ, our perfect Saviour and King.

Linda spoke online to 85 ministry wives from across Wales, Scotland, and England. We spent time in small groups discussing what we had heard, sharing our response as well as praying for the situations we are in. Linda’s illustrations were memorable, and she shared warmly her own experience of growth in biblical meditation.

God graciously and willingly, by his Holy Spirit, reveals himself and his treasure to us in his word as we discipline ourselves in our walk with him. May I encourage you to listen, to reflect, and to pray in response? You will benefit as church leaders or church members. The delight in growing in love for our Saviour will refresh your soul.

You can order Linda's book Deeper Still for £6.79 (RRP £7.99) from 10OfThose or The Good Book Company.

You can read Deeper Still by Elinor Magowan.

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