We are the Rock of Ages Evangelical Church at The Old Quarry, High Street, Askern, Doncaster DN6 0AB
We have been members of the FIEC for over 20 years
We are looking to induct a new pastor for our Church.
Our Church began 30 years ago from a small group of members who left the local Anglican Church due to the moving away from Scriptural principles and leadership roles. mainly at that time the ordination of women into unbiblical roles.
Our logo is Sola Scriptura as we believe the Bible to be sufficient and authoritative for all matters of Christian faith and conduct.
We have a healthy congregation of around 60 regular attendees at our morning and evening meetings.
We have a baptistry for full immersion baptisms.
We use the NKJV version of the Bible, and for worship we use Mission Praise and New Redemptional.
We take Sunday to be The Lord's Day and believe that it should be honoured as a Christian Sabbath (this can be discussed as to how we honour the day) we realise there are various modern-day circumstances to consider.
We began meeting as a house Church after leaving the Anglican Church. Then met in a village hall 30 years ago, 13 years later we took a mortgage out and purchased a builder's yard property. We converted it into a place of worship which was fully paid for earlier in 2024.
We lean towards the Calvinism Theological position.
The Church is located in Askern an ex-mining area, Askern was very well-known years ago as a Spa health retreat where people travelled from all over the nation and abroad to bathe in the Spa waters of the lake that is a centre point in the village/town.
We are looking to appoint a man for a permanent position to work alongside the elders and trustees.
Presently we are excited about looking to start a youth meeting in our secondary building.
Over the years we have gained a good reputation helping people and local causes, we do this by having an outreach on a Tuesday morning where donations of various goods are offered to us that we put on display. People then offer to buy via a donation and with the monies received we have supported Drug Rehabilitation, Abused Women's organisations, homeless people, families struggling, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Caring for Life near Leeds etc...
There are many new houses being built in the area, some directly opposite the Church. We are keen to welcome new people into the community and to our Church meetings.
Apply for this job
If you're interested in this job please:
Email Frank E Holmes at:
[email protected]
This job has been listed by an FIEC Church. We are a family of more than 600 independent local churches with a heart to see the gospel of Jesus making a difference through our nation.
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