Tollgate Evangelical Church
Our Church
Tollgate Evangelical Church is seeking a man that is Elder-qualified (1 Tim. 3; Titus 2) to serve alongside our current Pastor. We are affiliated with the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (F.I.E.C.), and located just South of Redhill in Earlswood, Surrey. We are committed to Biblical teaching and Christ-centred worship with a desire to glorify God, grow in faith, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those in our community.
Our Vision
We seek to grow in spiritual maturity as disciples of Jesus, encouraging one another in our daily walk with Christ, and engaging our community with the transformative love and truth of the gospel.
The Role
We are prayerfully seeking a full-time man and are willing to consider a range of roles depending on gifting and experience including; Trainee Pastor, Assistant Pastor, or Co-Pastor/Associate Pastor. He will be regularly involved in:• Preaching and teaching the Word of God• Encouraging and modelling spiritual growth.• Providing pastoral care, discipleship, and equipping the church body for service.• Assisting to further develop and strengthen the existing ministries of the church.
Required Skills
• Elder-qualified (1 Tim. 3; Titus 2).
• Passionate about preaching and teaching the Word of God.
• Able to build relationships across all ages and backgrounds, encouraging fellowship and unity.
• Gifted with a heart for developing and equipping others for ministry.
• Aligned with the doctrinal distinctives of the F.I.E.C.
• Has an existing right to reside and work in the UK.
Apply for this job
If you're interested in this job please:
Email James Chittenden at:
[email protected]
Visit the website for more information and to apply:
This job has been listed by an FIEC Church. We are a family of more than 600 independent local churches with a heart to see the gospel of Jesus making a difference through our nation.
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