Raising Lay Leaders
Raising Lay Leaders
Phil Topham , Ray Evans
How do we raise and train lay elders and other lay leaders in the church?
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Leading a Leadership Team
Leading a Leadership Team
John Russell , Ray Evans
What are the important things to understand and consider in leading a leadership team well?
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Servant-Hearted Team Meetings
Servant-Hearted Team Meetings
Ray Evans
There is more to effective team meetings than simply good time keeping. Leaders must have a servant heart.
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High-Quality Team-Based Decision Making
High-Quality Team-Based Decision Making
Ray Evans
If senior leaders can create an open environment for their teams to make better decisions, their churches can really benefit.
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Making Difficult Decisions
Making Difficult Decisions
Ray Evans
What is the senior church leader’s role in difficult decision making?
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Reviews & Appraisals
Reviews & Appraisals
Ray Evans
How can we get the balance right between supporting church workers and holding them accountable for what they do?
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Action Points
Action Points
Ray Evans
As a church leadership team, you might have lots of great ideas, but how can you make sure they actually become reality?
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Leading Leaders: Staff Teams
Leading Leaders: Staff Teams
Johnny Prime
With a growing staff team, a pastor discovers he has new responsibilities alongside his usual work. So how can you lead a happy and united staff team?
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Equipping Leaders to Lead Teams
Equipping Leaders to Lead Teams
Ray Evans
How can any church team achieve greater effectiveness? What makes a good team player... and team leader? How do you lead great team meetings?
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Team Structures
Team Structures
Ray Evans
Most churches know that they need to develop effective structures as a church grows. But how do you go about it?
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The Grid
Adrian Reynolds
Establishing leadership training in the local church.
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The Three Cs 3: Chemistry
The Three Cs 3: Chemistry
Ray Evans
In this final article on The Three Cs of leadership, we see how leaders need to work hard at making sure there is good Chemistry in a ministry team.
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First Among Equals?
First Among Equals?
Ray Evans
"Primus inter pares." First among equals. In theory that’s what the Prime Minister is. But what about in Independent church leadership?
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A Growing Staff Team
A Growing Staff Team
Ray Evans
If your church grows and you have to take on more paid workers, you’ll need to clarify responsibilities. Otherwise things will soon get overstretched.
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The CARE Plan
The CARE Plan
Ray Evans
The CARE acronym can help leaders to clarify their mission and goals. Here's how it works.
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Leading a Team
Leading a Team
Ray Evans , Michael Teutsch , Paul Rees
How does your role change when you minister as part of a team? And how should you manage other team members?
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From Rotas to Teams
From Rotas to Teams
Ray Evans , Michael Teutsch , Paul Rees
Why is it important to move from church rotas to ministry teams?
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Team Time
Team Time
Ray Evans
"Retreat!" The word might have negative connotations, but whatever you call it, does your leadership team have one?
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Effective Communication
Effective Communication
Ray Evans
Every church leader is in the communication business. It’s obvious when it comes to preaching, but what about communicating with your fellow leaders?
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Candid Conversations
Candid Conversations
One problem in team dynamics is an unwillingness to have frank conversations. So how can you have those conversations in your leadership team?
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Growing a Diverse Team in Hard Places
Growing a Diverse Team in Hard Places
Andy Constable
The second of three seminars on the topic of 'Church in Hard Places'.
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