Making Space for Mums
Making Space for Mums
Rachel Sloan , Cid Sparks
Many of our churches run parent & toddler groups, but how do you take the next steps in introducing parents to Christ?
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Living in a Technological Age
Living in a Technological Age
Adrian Reynolds , Nathan Weston
How can we help our churches to flourish as they live in an age of technology? How can leaders set an example in their living with technology?
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Social Media Dangers, Leading While Losing, and Eurovision
Social Media Dangers, Leading While Losing, and Eurovision
Phil Topham , Adrian Reynolds , John Stevens
How can we protect children from the dangers of social media? How can we lead while losing? Has Eurovision gone for style over substance?
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When Your Children Don't Believe
When Your Children Don't Believe
Adrian Reynolds , Paul Mallard
Having unbelieving children is a painful reality for many Christians. How can we hold on to gospel hope whilst dealing with the guilt and heartbreak?
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Raising Confident Kids (Book Review)
Joel Murray
Ed Drew’s book sets out principles for every Christian parent to help their children know who they are and whose they are.
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Moving the Family
Moving the Family
Carolyn Lacey
One of the realities of ministry is that God’s call might move you to pastures new. What effect can such a calling can have on your family?
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Staying Safe Online
Staying Safe Online
Linda Allcock
How can we help our children to navigate the digital world when they often know more about it than we do?
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