God’s Design for Women (Book Review)
Elinor Magowan
New challenges call for thoughtful and practical ways forward. A revised edition of 'God’s Design for Women' is a book that offers real hope.
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God and the Transgender Debate (Book Review)
David Shaw
What does the Bible actually say about gender identity? And how can we be truthful and sensitive as we pastor and teach?
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Finding Our Feet in Shifting Sands
Finding Our Feet in Shifting Sands
David Shaw , Sharon James
In this interview, Sharon James critiques the assumptions we make in church life about marriage and gender stereotypes.
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What is Complementarianism?
What is Complementarianism?
Sarah Allen
As a Fellowship, we are keen to encourage the biblical ministry of women in our churches. So what does the Bible teach about women’s roles?
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Primer 03: True to Form
David Shaw , Dr Peter Saunders , Sharon James
Ministry in the midst of a sexual and gender revolution.
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Why are we Complementarian?
Why are we Complementarian?
John Stevens
If FIEC doesn't take a stand on spiritual gifts or baptism, why do we make a fuss about the role of men and women in the church?
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Same Sex Marriage Ethos Statement
Same Sex Marriage Ethos Statement
Our convictions about the issue of same sex marriage are explained in this statement.
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