Manny Kemp
Immanuel (Manny) Kemp is a management consultant with Arthur D. Little specialising in risk and safety, working with clients in the transport, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical sectors. He has been a deacon and the treasurer of Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge, since 2015.
He is also a Director and volunteer trainer with the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers (ACAT), a charity that provides support and training for church treasurers in the UK. Manny delivers the ACAT introductory course “Being a Treasurer: the Basics”, and delivers training in health and safety and risk management for churches as well, integrating his professional and church experiences.
Manny is a chemical engineer by background and studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he married his wife Julia in 2014. They live about ten miles outside of Cambridge, having settled permanently at Eden.