Cross Cultural Ministry in Glasgow

Cross-Cultural Ministry in Glasgow

It was a joy to see more than £800,000 given to FIEC churches in the autumn from our Mission Fund. Here’s how one church in Scotland plans to use the money.

Harper Church in Glasgow has a unique opportunity.

In 2016, the City Council decided to accommodate 10% of Britain’s Asylum Seekers within a one-mile radius of their church building.

For the leadership team at Harper, it was a wonderful answer to prayer. The church had intentionally been asking God for more opportunities to share the gospel with Muslim people in their city. Now they had a perfect opportunity!

The Council’s plan meant that a growing number of asylum seekers and refugees were housed near the church. The result of sharing the gospel with their new neighbours has meant that Harper have seen strong growth in recent years. There are now 25 nationalities represented at the church, including many from Muslim majority nations.

Senior Pastor Alan McKnight commented:

“The aim is to build a multi-national Scottish Church which welcomes people from all over the world and engages with asylum seekers and refugees. We want to be a church that sees people come to faith, while equipping asylum seekers and refugees; establishing disciple-making disciples among these communities.”

It was the growth of this work amongst the nations on their doorstep that prompted Harper Church to apply to the FIEC Mission Fund. They were delighted to be awarded £50,000 to enable them to employ a cross-cultural worker to build on the ministry the Lord has already been blessing in Glasgow.

The worker will engage in discipleship and Bible-ministry with asylum seekers and refugees, as the wider church continues to offer practical support to people from these communities.

Alan added:

“The work is moving forward well but the scale of the need and preciousness of the opportunity meant that we needed more resources to take advantage of what the Lord is doing here.

“We are thrilled to be able to appoint a worker because of the money we have received from the FIEC Mission Fund. This will provide a real opportunity to further expand gospel engagement with asylum seekers and refugees in Glasgow.”

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