Monyhull Church is an Evangelical Christian church based in the Monyhull area of Kings Norton, Birmingham.
Monyhull Church is an ‘independent evangelical’ church. By ‘independent’ we mean that we are not part of any wider denomination and have complete control over all our own affairs. We choose our own leaders, raise all our own finances and establish our own priorities and activities. At the same time we are enthusiastic partners with many other evangelical churches and organisations and work in co-operation in numerous ways at both local and national level.
By ‘evangelical’ we mean that we subscribe unashamedly to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith, particlulary the deity of Jesus Christ, the full reliability and authority of the Bible and the need for personal salvation which can only be met by faith in the death of Jesus on the cross.
We are affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches and we adopt the FIEC’s statement of faith. This statement summarises our theological convictions on nine fundamental issues. We also wholeheartedly subscribe to the FIEC
Get in Touch
St Francis Drive, Kings Norton, Birmingham, West Midlands, B30 3PS
[email protected]
St Francis Drive, Kings Norton, Birmingham, West Midlands, B30 3PS
Morning Service
Sunday, Weekly at 11:00Evening Service
Sunday, Weekly at 18:00