Minster Christian Centre profile image

Minster Christian Centre

We're an evangelical church with a strong gospel ministry. We aim to support you in your Christian walk through faithfully preaching the bible. At Minster, whoever you are, you will receive a genuinely warm welcome.

On Sundays we have services at 10:30 am, which are friendly for all ages, and many people gather after the service for refreshments together. During this service we also have Youth Church (11-16yrs), Sunday School (4-11yrs) and Creche for pre-school age children.

At 6pm on Sunday evenings, fortnightly, we have an additional evening service. Feel free to get in touch through the contact form on our website if you'd like more details!

We have regular prayer meetings and homegroup meetings on Wednesday evenings, and a family house group held once a month on Saturday.

Our Youth Group 'Messy' meets every Friday night in term time from 7:30pm - 9:00pm, with fun, food, games, and the chance to explore the claims of Jesus.


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    Minster Christian Centre, Sturminster Rd, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF23 5AQ

    time Morning Service
    Sunday, Weekly at 10:30

    time Evening Service
    Sunday, Bi-Weekly at 18:00

Prayer Requests

  • New leaders

    We’re encouraged by new leaders stepping up after a period of transition: a new trainee pastor for o...

    We’re encouraged by new leaders stepping up after a period of transition: a new trainee pastor for outreach, a new youth worker, new deacons appointed. Praise God for his provision and for the unity we’ve known through this period.

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