Bethesda Christian Fellowship profile image

Bethesda Christian Fellowship

Bethesda Christian Fellowship is a church in Helensburgh dedicated to spreading the christian word and serving the community in Helenburgh and the surrounding area.

We understand that coming along to a new place for the first time can be a daunting prospect and we do everything that we can at Bethesda Christian Fellowship to make your experience with us as enjoyable as possible.

The service will begin at 10.30 am and will finish around 11.40 am when refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome.

Bethesda Centre is situated on the corner on corner of Colquhoun Street and East King St. (opposite Helensburgh Parish Church).

When you enter the building, you will be welcomed at the door by the steward on duty and shown to a seat. The children and young people will leave part way through the service for Creche, Sunday Club and Bible Class.

After the service, if your children have attended creche or Sunday club, we ask that you collect them promptly afterwards. We'd love to meet you and get to know you better.

If it's your first time at BCF, please introduce yourself to one of the elders Ken Newberry, Jim McLatchie, Lewis Harvey or Christine Reid (Community Worker). We hope to catch up at the end of the service but please come and say hello to us if we don't manage to get to you first!


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    28 Colquhoun Street, Helensburgh, G84 8HR

    time Sunday Service
    Sunday, Weekly at 10:30

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